Network Support

With over 15 years of network experience, we are well equipped to provide exceptional network support to you, your company and your clients. Our knowledge of network management, bottleneck diagnosis, connectivity provisioning and network planning enable us to give you the best solutions to your networking requirements or problems. Some of the services we can provide are:

Network Design and Implementation planning for SMBs

If you are about to set up or rebuild your network schematic, we can help. We can design your new or replacement network, including all the required hardware to ensure high performance, within your budget. Additionally, we can also assist with deployment, configuration and testing of the network to ensure no bottlenecks exist.

Bottleneck diagnosis and problem solving

Is your network running excessively slow? Are you finding your computer taking a long time to print or transfer files to and from your fileserver? We can help find the causes of such slowdowns and provide advice on the changes needed to ensure top speed within your LAN.

Firewall and VPN set up and configuration

As with our security services, the functionality of Firewalls and VPN generally to keep external sources from your data. However, we also understand you will require access remotely to your network from time to time, and we can create secure connectivity solutions to ensure your access is problem-free and secure.

Connectivity planning and provisioning

Are you looking to replace your current ISP, or have new lines installed in your network, but are unsure how to integrate them into your existing network? Or maybe you wish to install connectivity to a new office or premises? We can plan and assist with implementation of any solution, such as load-balancing, redundancy or selective routing, as well as installation of telephony lines such as T1, E1, etc. We liaise with the ISP or telco directly to ensure everything is installed to your specification and then perform testing to ensure it all works as it should.

Fully managed network hardware with support

A standard network generally does not have any monitoring capability built in. But what if you want to ensure you are getting the speeds and quality of service you are paying for from your ISP, or if you want to monitor network traffic to ensure that non-business activities are not being performed on your LAN? We can plan and provide fully managed network hardware that will give you peace of mind and ensure your investments in equipment, connectivity and staff are as reliable as possible. This hardware is actively monitored by our dedicated support team, 24/7/365, and you will be alerted the moment issues are found.

Cluster computing, Load Balancing and routing

Do you have a large staff or customer base who require real-time access from around the world to your data? Is one server not enough, or do you want to have added redundancy or faster response times? We are able to help you plan and build clustered, load-balanced server farms which can share the load from your customers or staff easily and quickly, and are able to position these geographically to ensure you fast access wherever you need it. Need custom routing set up for a specific node? No problem. With our managed routing equipment, changes can be performed on the fly and be active in seconds.

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